Dada Jyotirupananda
Dada Jyotirupananda is a yogic monk, practicing and teaching a system of yogic meditation from an ancient Indian tradition. He is a disciple of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (1921-1990), a modern Yogic master.
Dada has been practicing meditation for over 35 years and has experienced innumerable benefits in his life, and has seen wonderful benefits for many people through meditation.
He has taught meditation in about 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.
He is the editor of New Renaissance a journal for spiritual and social awakening.
Dada’s book, “Meditation: Searching for the Real You” was published in September, 2009. The book, according to Ross Heaven, psychologist, healer, shaman and author, “leads us to a new understanding of what meditation might really mean in our lives and the benefits we might reap from it.”
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Dada now lives in London, teaching throughout Europe.
Didi A Manika
Didi Ananda Manika was ordained in 1994 as a Yogic nun in the tantric tradition that is followed by Ananda Marga.
She worked as a meditation teacher and a community service organiser for some years in her native India. After that, she worked in Nepal in a similar capacity for several years.
Since 2004 Didi has been teaching meditation and yoga in Europe, first in Norway and then since 2005 in UK.
She is widely respected for her experience and teaching of meditation and yoga. As well she is the Principal and Director for two progressive schools in London.
She also conducts meditation retreats throughout the year.
As a teacher of yogic meditation Didi’s primary focus is for women and girls. She is available for appointments and consultations on meditation, yoga exercises and other concerns..